Dear parent/guardian/student

Please watch our information video from last year and browse the complete enrolment page, especially the FAQs and Optional Subject Information section before completing the enrolment form. If you have any further queries then please contact us by email at enrolment@dunmorecs.ie or by phone: 093 38203 Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Declan Quinn

1st Year Enrolment Evening 2025 - 7th Nov 2024

1st Year Enrolment 25-26

View Notice

Admissions Notice 25-26

View Notice

Admissions Policy

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Uniform Policy

View Policy

Code of Behaviour

View Policy

Frequently Asked Questions.........

Before enrolling it is important you browse our enrolment page, watch our information video, look through the subject information leaflets and read our relevant policies. During the enrolment process, you will be asked to accept these policies. Towards the end of the enrolment process you will be asked to choose the subjects your child would most like to study in order of preference. It is extremely important you do this in order of preference, from 1 down to 8, with 8 being the subject your child would least like to do. It would be a very good idea to create this list before starting the enrolment form. The optional subjects are listed below, your child will study three of them. We try our best to ensure your child gets their 1st three preferences, but occasionally that is not possible. If this is the case, we move down the list of subjects, so your child gets their next preference. We will be in touch with you in May if your child does not get their 1st three preferences.

Home Economics
Visual Art
Wood Technology

During enrolment, you must bring your child’s birth cert (which we will copy and return) and bring any relevant documentation with you, for example, Irish exemption documentation or SEN documentation. Following enrolment, any further documentation must be sent to Enrolment 25/26, Dunmore CS, Dunmore, Co. Galway H54 KP03 or drop it into the office.

If your child changes their mind about subject choices after enrolment, or you wish to speak to someone about their subject choices, please get in touch with the school as soon as possible. You can complete this form to change your subject preferences before the end of April. Once the option bands are created, normally in April or May, the possibility of movement from one subject to another may not be feasible if classes are full.


If in September or October, a child realises they do not like a subject, it is important you contact the school urgently to see if we can assist your child in finding options that do suit them.

After completing the application form, please ensure you email all relevant documents to docs@dunmorecs.ie to complete the enrolment and we will then get in touch. If you need to speak to someone before enrolling, please feel free to contact the school and we will get our SEN Coordinator, Ms Grehan, to call you back.


In order to access our ASD class, a student must have a report from a relevant professional or team of professionals (for example, psychologist, speech and language therapist, psychiatrist) stating that:


1        S/he has an Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorder  and

2        S/he has complex or severe learning needs that require the support of a special class setting and the reasons why this is the case.

The professional report must meet DES requirements for the particular disability in question. Please ensure you forward the required documentation urgently.

Yes, every student will be provided with a Dunmore CS journal and must have it in their possession at all times while in school, except breaks. The journal is designed to:

• Organise homework on a daily basis
• Note key information and important dates
• Provide a range of permission forms which require the signature of the student’s parents/guardians. Eg. notes
• Contains the school’s Code of Behaviour and other important information and Policies.

Students who wish to avail of a locker for the storage of their property and books may do so by the payment of a refundable key deposit (€10) and a rental fee (€20). The locker is rented on the strict understanding that the student will keep it locked. the €20 fee is paid via our Online payment portal and the deposit is €10 cash, which is refunded when the key is returned at the end of the year.

The Government has implemented a free book scheme to Junior Cycle students. The school contribution fee is separate from the book scheme, and locker rental. Dunmore CS is a cashless school, all payments to the school are made via our payment portal Dunmorecs.vsware.ie. We intend to send out our fees to parents/guardians early in the summer. This is to allow them to pay in stages before the start of the school year. Please note all books must be returned in a reusable condition. Replacement books must be purchased by the student in the event of the loss of a book.

We distribute the books prior to the school year, so you can ensure your child is organised before the start of the school year.

We use a School management system called VSWare, where parents are given a username and password after enrolling their child. This portal allows parents to view their child’s attendance, timetable, results and behaviour records. The mobile number you provide for the school texts will be the default user account. Parents/guardians are required to install the school app, details of which will be given out after enrolment is complete.

School uniforms can be purchased in Fordes, Ballyhaunis, JD Sports (in Greens Stores Drapery), Claremorris, Philips, Claremorris and the School Wear Centre, Chapel Lane, Tuam.


Black shoes or fully black runners are the only acceptable footwear. We have also introduced a school jacket, which has proved very popular with students.


This is the only jacket/hoodie allowed in the school building during the day.


Generally, we use our school App to send out important information and the occasional text. It is very important you notify us if your email or mobile number changes or you can’t access the app during the time your child is enrolled with us. We also regularly update our website, Facebook and other social media platforms with school updates etc. Please follow us on these platforms to be kept fully informed.

Students must remain on the school grounds during the school day. Where the student has a written request from the parent/guardian seeking permission to leave, the parent/guardian must sign the student out in the book provided in the office. Students are not permitted to leave the school during the day, without a parents/preauthorised adult collecting them.

The school day begins at 9:00 am and ends at 3:50 pm Monday to Thursday. The morning break is from 11.00 am to 11.15 am and the lunch break is from 1:15 pm. to 1:50 pm. On Friday the school finishes at 1:15 pm. The school day comprises of 6 periods, all 60 minutes long, except friday where there are 4 periods..

Yes, we have an excellent canteen and students have the option of availing of purchasing a lunch in the canteen or bringing in a packed lunch. The canteen menu is drawn up with the intention of providing healthy options for students. In the past few years we have introduced a menu of healthy school dinners at a very reasonable cost.

Optional Subject Information

Bank Visit

Junior Cycle Business is made up of three strands:


Personal Finance: students develop skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about managing their finances. This includes budgeting, saving, borrowing, insurance and taxation. They learn how to be a responsible consumer.


Enterprise: this encourages students to develop entrepreneurial skills. In second year, students complete a Classroom Based Assessment in Enterprise. This encourages students to spot a niche in the market and set up a business to fill that gap. They carry out market research by distributing questionnaires. They analyse the results of market research by designing bar charts and pie charts. They choose the correct price by covering costs and allowing for their profit. They decide where to sell the product to consumers. Finally, they reach the target market through various advertising media. Students have entered the Enterprise Competition run by the local Enterprise Office and have won several county awards as well as representing their school in the All-Ireland Final of the competition.


Our Economy: Students understand the dynamic relationship between local, national and international economic situations. Students learn about Demand and Supply of goods and services, the role of government in managing the economy, and about economic issues such as trade, employment and the EU. In third year, students give an oral presentation on any topic related to the business course. They design slides on Powerpoint to assist their presentation. They can use support materials to enhance their presentation. We visit the local bank and a business to give students the practical experience of business in the real world.


The exam is now set as a common paper. This ensures it is accessible for students of all levels of ability, while at the same time challenging the more academic students. Students have won awards for excellent results in Junior Cycle Business in conjunction with National University of Ireland, Galway.

Ms A. Fallon/Ms M. Duignan

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