Parents Council

The composition of the Parents Council is arrived at as follows:

The parents of students of a recognised school may establish, and maintain from among their number, a Parents’ Association for that school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of that school.

The role of the Association is to support the principal, school management, staff and students. It aims to foster good relations between the parents, teachers, students and the school authorities.

In discharging its functions, the association recognises that the examination and resolutions of problems relating to individual pupils will be for determination between the individual pupil and/or his/her parents and the school authorities. It further recognises that the resolution of issues of complaint between an individual set of parents and teacher is a matter for those parents and the teacher concerned and the School Authorities.

National Parents Council Website


Parents Council
Laura McGrathTherese TurnerRichard Corr
Claire FordeBreda MeehanMarie Hanley
Avril Greene

Board Of Management Reps
Padraig Waters
Sharon Gannon

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